FRG MiNo. DE 3149-3155 ** New issues May 2015, MNH, incl. self-adhesives
Country: Federal Republic of Germany
Michel No.: DE 3149 - 3155 **
Condition: MNH
Gum: self- and wet-adhesive
Face value: 3 x 62, 80, 62+30, 85+40 and 145+55 Euro cent
Issued: 2015
Included stamps and special features:
3149-3151 set: Sports Help 2015: Cartoon about disabled sports, wet-adhesive
3152: Series Europe 2015: Historical Toys, wet-adhesive
3153: 150 years Society for Sea Rescue, wet-adhesive
3154: 50 years of diplomatic relations with Israel (joint issue with Israel), wet-adhesive
3155: 350 years University of Kiel, self-adhesive, from stamp set
In stockcard, Plus revenue for the German Sports Aid Foundation.
The corner edges may vary or be absent. The scan should be considered as an example.
Differential taxation / Margin scheme according to § 25a UStG (German tax law) collection items and antiques / special regulation
Person responsible for the EU
The economic operator established in the EU is responsible for this product:
Deutsche Post AG, Charles-de-Gaulle-Straße 20, 53113 Bonn. Germany,