FRG MiNo. DE 3259-3262 + block 81 ** New issues Germany september 2016, incl. single stamps block 81, MNH.
Country: Federal Republic of Germany
Michel No.: DE 3259 - 3262 + sheet 81 **
Condition: MNH
Gum: wet-adhesive
Face value: 3 x 70, 2 x 85 and 1 x 145 Euro cent
Issued: 2016
Included stamps and special features:
3259 ** Series Stamp Day 2016: Love Letters, MNH, wet-adhesive
3260 ** Series German television legends: Space Patrol Orion, MNH, wet-adhesive
3261 - 3262 set ** Old and endangered breeds in Germany: Rhoen sheep and Saddleback, from block 81, MNH, wet-adhesive
Block 81 (3261 - 3262) ** Old and endangered breeds in Germany: Rhoen sheep and Saddleback, MNH, wet-adhesive
In stockcard
The corner edges may vary or be absent. The scan should be considered as an example.
Differential taxation / Margin scheme according to § 25a UStG (German tax law) collection items and antiques / special regulation
Person responsible for the EU
The economic operator established in the EU is responsible for this product:
Deutsche Post AG, Charles-de-Gaulle-Straße 20, 53113 Bonn. Germany,