FRG MiNo. DE 3335-3339 ** New issues Germany october 2017, MNH.
Country: Federal Republic of Germany Michel No.: DE 3335 - 3339 ** Condition: MNH
Gum: wet-adhesive
Face value: 2 x 45, 2 x 70 and 1 x 145 Euro cent
Issued: 2017
Included stamps and special features: DE 3335 ** Series German TV Legends: The Millionaire Game, MNH, wet-adhesive
DE 3336/3337 ** Se-tenant printing series Germany's most beautiful panoramas: Badische Wine Road/Markgräflerland, MNH, wet-adhesive DE 3338 ** 300th birthday of Johann Joachim Winckelmann, MNH, wet-adhesive
DE 3339 ** 50 years of Justitia et Pax, MNH, wet-adhesive
In stockcard
Thecorner edgesmay varyorbe absent.The scanshould be consideredas an example.
Differential taxation / Margin scheme according to § 25a UStG (German tax law) collection items and antiques / special regulation
Person responsible for the EU The economic operator established in the EU is responsible for this product: Deutsche Post AG, Charles-de-Gaulle-Straße 20, 53113 Bonn. Germany,