Deutsche Post

FRG MiNo. 2217 ** Natural monuments in Germany, self-adhes., from stamp set, MNH

FRG MiNo. 2217 ** Natural monuments in Germany, self-adhes., from stamp set, MNH
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Shipping time: 5-7 days
Product no.: AR-2175-s
Manufacturer: Deutsche Post
More products of: Deutsche Post
1,40 EUR
VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
difference-taxed acc. §25a UStG
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Products description

FRG MiNo. DE 2217 ** Natural monuments in Germany, self-adhesive, from stamp set, MNH

Country: Federal Republic of Germany
Michel No.: DE 2217 **
Condition: MNH
Gum: self-adhesive
Variant: from stamp set
Face value: 110 German pfennig / 56 Euro cent
Issued: 2001

Differential taxation / Margin scheme according to § 25a UStG (German tax law) collection items and antiques / special regulation

Manufacturer/EU Responsible person
The economic operator established in the EU is responsible for this product:
Deutsche Post AG, Charles-de-Gaulle-Straße 20, 53113 Bonn. Germany,

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